When Your Date Suspiciously Talks About Your Friend
It can be tough to balance your social life with your friends and your romantic partner, but it is even more tricky if both of them go together. A reader from Glamour magazine asked for advice on her dating problem. She met a “really cute, smart, nice guy who smelled good too” through a dating […]
When Your Date Suspiciously Talks About Your Friend
It can be tough to balance your social life with your friends and your romantic partner, but it is even more tricky if both of them go together. A reader from Glamour magazine asked for advice on her dating problem. She met a “really cute, smart, nice guy who smelled good too” through a dating […]
15 First Date Mistakes To Avoid
1. Quoting Oprah more than once.2. Shortening words that really dont need to be shortened, like totes, blowie, and obvi.3. Starting any sentence with the phrase, Well, my therapist says … 4. Ever mentioning your girl boner. Trust guys do not want to think of you with a boner, no matter how cute you think […]
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